Links of Conseuquence

First off, a link to the Las Vegas Steampunk Tea Society. While it is not an organized group per se, it is an excellent Facebook page in which to get information on a good number of the Steampunk events going on in the Las Vegas area, as well as information about other things.

Doctor Fantastique’s Show of Wonder was the first website I ever wrote for, and I’m still thankful to Matt Delman for giving me a chance. This is where some of my earlier musings as well as my Starting Out Steampunk series are found.

Steampunk Chronicle is the other website I do writing for and where most of my reviews and other thoughts are posted.

Starting Out Steampunk

Back when I first started writing for Doctor Fantastique’s I did several Steampunk 101 articles. AJ Sikes, the wonderful editor at the time, asked me to expand on these with a whole series. Below are the result of those writings, what I consider my magnum opus, of Starting Out Steampunk

I started things out by talking about getting into Steampunk in general.

No talk about Steampunk is complete without a discussion on characters and personas.

Steampunk is well known for it’s amazing costumes and outfits and varying ways of putting them together.

A talk about how to find Steampunk in your area.

What to expect when going to your first Steampunk Convention!

What to do if you want to start up your own local group, with some thoughts from DJ Doctor Q.

Some thoughts on what to do if you want to create your own group for more than just fun, and to accomplish a specific goal. Thoughts offered by the unparalleled Trip Hope.

I followed it up with some thoughts, encouragement and other ideas about starting your own group and why you should plow through any adversity.

Trying to help people explain just what this Steampunk thing is, along with several thoughts from the amazing Doctor Mike Perschon.

Some talk on what is and isn’t Steampunk, and why sometimes you should ignore it.

The last entry, my final thoughts on Steampunk and just why it is an amazing thing to be a part of.

Lots of Reviews

During my time writing for Doctor Fantastiques as well as Steampunk Chronicle I’ve had the chance to review several different works that have tried to tie into the genre. Or reviews of things that were at least of interest to Steampunks. Some where more successful than others to say the least. Here’s a look at some of them.

The Woman in Black may not have resembled the stage play as closely as some wanted, but it was still terrifying.

The Raven was not nearly as successful a movie, however, as it couldn’t make up it’s mind what genre it was.

Not a review per se, but I listed out some of the better known Steampunk Role-Playing Games.

Some specific gaming reviews included: Deadlands: Reloaded and it’s more Dieselpunk version, Deadlands: Noir. Abney Park’s Airship Pirates gives a great setting for a post apocalyptic Steampunk game. Not all games I’ve reviewed worked for me as Tephra and Stars of Empire felt flat compared to what they could have been. Torchlight 2 proved to be a worthwhile game to play though!

One of the larger surprises was getting into music reviews. I had the chance to post my thoughts on three different albums including: Rush’s foray into Steampunk with Clockwork Angels, Mister B, the Gentleman Rhymer busting out with the Tweed Album, and lastly Professor Elemental with Father of Invention.

A pair of event reports! First was the excellent, though very warm, Wild West Fest at Calico Ghost Town in California. The next was my thoughts on Wild Wild West Con in Tucson, Arizona. Lastly, a look at the first ever Salt City Steamfest.

Professor Phineas B. Fuddle proved to be an amazingly fun comic read.

I had a chance to sit in on a panel with three authors at the Vegas Valley Book Festival. While not a review per se, here is what I saw and learned.

One last review was taking a look at the first half of the League of STEAM’s second season.

A Handful of Interviews

The first in a series of links to some of my various Steampunk writings.  Below are the different Interviews that I’ve completed for both Doctor Fantastique’s Show of Wonder as well as Steampunk Chronicle:

My introduction to the amazing people who have brought Steampunk to Chile.

Not to be outdone, the wonderful people of Italia gave me some of their time.

An interview with Nivi, Director of Salt City Steamfest, gearing up for their second year.

I had several chances to talk to the League of STEAM about their webseries and getting it going. You can read about them Here and There.